The night we got engaged
Well, WE MADE IT!!! 7 years, can you believe it has been this long? Over the past few months, I have been thinking about the amazing life we have had together so far. We have had so many fun memories together. I decided to share some of my favorites with you!
Year 1: Who could forget my fairy tale wedding to the most handsome man I had ever laid eyes on. You were out of my league, I could have never imagined a man like you as my husband, I had (and still have) all the qualities wrapped up in one single person that I got to spend eternity with.
That year, we had so many fun Dune trips. Seeing you on your BRAND NEW YFZ made me so happy, because you deserved it... Our Amazing honeymoon where we ate our hearts out and played in the sunshine and sand (and walked to Walgreens :) ) A fantastic trip to Cabo San Lucas where we shared a bathroom for a couple days with food poisoning. Snorkeling, Dairy Queen, Walks around the Marina, Boogie boarding, First Class flying, Spending a night in a freaking awesome all inclusive resort.
We also had some sad times that year with the death of your grandpa Westover. What a loving man. I know he taught you so many great things, I still see a lot of him in you.
Year 2: This is the year of the NEW HOUSE! What an adventure that was! Most couples say that if you can build a house together without threatening Divorce, you’ve got a great marriage. It was so easy for us... What does that make us? FREAKING AMAZING! This is also the year you got to experience Disney Land for the first time. Wasn’t it great?
We also had an AWESOME trip to San Diego... When you got taught who’s boss by a Dolphin, we cruised with the top down in our Mustang, Rode EVERY ride at Knotts Berry Farm, we got to experience Universal Studios where you got to meet Marilyn and Down town Hollywood on New Years Eve.
Year 3: ZIHUATINEJO!!! Night Time walks on the beach, almost getting eaten by Crocodiles, baby turtles, Fiber Glass water slide, grumpy taxi drivers, daily Strawberry Daquris, Local boys that didn’t want to share their basketballs, bubbaloo poker, surfing and Guacamole on Thanksgiving and Nightly Ice cream of course! We also got to enjoy many nights of Ogden softball games and also A raptors game! Remember when I won tickets to the Jazz game and we ate at the Roof? We also had so many fun nights hanging out with Lex and Heather up in Logan. I believe this is the time when our trips to Vegas started. Remember New years Eve on the Strip? What about our Valentines Day trip with Dall and Heather in the Mazda 5? Many more trips to visit Chase and Lins, we had great talks on the drives down and felt like kings and queens at the dealer shows. Topless pools, poker nights, Cheesecake Factory. Fun memories! NEW YORK! Walking the streets of the Big Apple. Having a grand ole time with my mom. Remember our Day in Central Park? Our chance finding of Saint Patricks Cathedral, Times Square, The Statue Of Liberty, Wall Street, China Town and Conneticut.
Year 4: This is the year we found out our lives were about to change forever. We found out we were going to have a baby! Oh the excitement and anticipation we felt... We also enjoyed a wonderful trip to Cancun, filled with Risk, Snorkeling, evenings on the white sandy beaches, watching you swim with dolphins, avoiding the police, Chicheniza, playing in the park, the sweet spiral staircase to our room in our condo. Also the sadness of your grandmas passing.
Year 5: We welcomed our little Daxton into our Family. I will never forget the way you looked at him for the very first time! I knew it was love at first sight, I knew that you two were going to be best buds forever. I loved the time in the hospital that you wanted the nurse to come check him to make sure everything was ok, I remember coming home with him feeling overwhelmed and so so happy that we had started our family together. This was a big year of many firsts for Dax, First Halloween (MAN IN THE YELLOW HAT, which was totally awesome) First Thanksgiving, feeding him Mashed potatoes, First Christmas and Santa Claus, First Dune trip for Easter, and first Fathers Day and Mothers Day.
Year 6: Our first trip to Disney Land with our Son. We felt like kids again running through California Adventure childless. Riding on Soaring over California 3 or 4 times... Getting soaked on Grizzly Rapids, Riding on SPLASH MOUNTAIN 7 or 8 times. Letting him meet Mickey Mouse. The price is right. The beach, oh the beach. Isn’t it crazy how many of our memories are on the beach? At the end of Year 6, we found out we were expecting baby #2. I remember so much anticipation!
Year 7: We found out we were having a GIRL!! It’s crazy how this past year has felt like a whirl wind! We spent our first time apart, I missed you so much when you were away for work. We welcomed our baby girl into our lives. I’ll never forget the way you held our little Faith for the first time. At the hospital, I would wake up to you telling her how beautiful she is and you being such a proud daddy. You were so excited to show her off to everyone you knew. You FINISHED SCHOOL! What a huge accomplishment! I’m so proud of you and you’re hard work.
Although our life has changed dramatically over the past 7 years, I want you to know I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I love you more and more every day. I thank Heavenly Father every day that I have you in my life. Thank you for putting up with my crazyness and forgetfulness. Thank You for not getting mad when the house isn’t clean (if you did, you would be mad EVERY DAY!) Thank you for putting a smile on my face every time I think of you. Thank you for being such an amazing Father. Most of all, THANK YOU for being my BEST friend. I’ll love you forever, and I’m looking forward to spending Eturnity with you. I LOVE YOU BRIAN WESTOVER!
Love, Beck