Saturday, December 27, 2008

Nascar Here I Come!

I know my husband is going to laugh at this entry but I want to document my mad driving skills. Last Saturday I had to finish up a couple loose ends for christmas... I went and ran my errands and finished in decent time. When I was finished, it was beautiful weather in riverdale so instead of fighting my way back through Ogden Christmas traffic I decided to take the freeway home... Of course it was going to be clear because the sun was shining and it was actually kind of warm. I was right... The roads we clear and DRY! So here I am cruising along past the Smith and Edwards exit and suddenly the roads aren't so dry... So I slow down as I enter a BLIZZARD!!! So I slow down ALOT more... as I'm coming around Willard Bay I notice a couple little fender benders in the opposite lane. You see, I'm always a safe follower.. I hate tailgaters even in dry warm weather so I keep my distance the best I can. OK so back to my story. All of the sudden directly in front of me I see a HUGE pile up of about 8 cars.. IN MY LANE!! Right then, My mind flashes back to being 15 years old in Mr. Jeppesens Drivers ed class "what do you do on a slick road when you can't stop?" First push on your brakes... Nope too slick. Next pump your brakes... STILL NOT WORKING!!! Now what Mr Jeppesen? The car in front of me can't stop, I can't stop. They hit the pile of cars... NOT ME! I went off roading! I'm so happy I drive a cute little Jeep Liberty with 4wd. So I swirved to miss the car and I'm heading for a fence... luckily my brakes work now! YAY! So I stop... Put it in 4 wheel drive and pull back up to the road. So then I notice my 5 senses kicking in. Sight-I see cars EVERYWHERE piled up in northbound and southbound lanes and a couple in a Suburban getting smashed over and over again as people can't stop. Smell- I smell antifreeze spewing out of smashed cars. Touch- I feel my hands shaking. Taste- Doesn't really have anything to do with this story. Hear- I hear cars around me crashing into each other. So I call my husband and I say what do I do? He says GET OUT OF THERE! People can't stop. So I go to get back on the road and people are still sliding towards me! So I go back down into the weeds on the side. Then I go to get on again and ANOTHER car is sliding towards me! After avoiding that car, a semi that is going slow lets me in and I continue on my way home passing, as you can imagine, many many ambulances and fire trucks. Moral of the story... I'm an amazing driver... I'm probably up there with the nascar guys! And. If you live in Utah have a 4 wheel drive vehicle!
There ended up being 31 cars in the pile up but not me!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

<-- Our Christmas tree... We went with a santa theme if you couldn't tell...
I hope you all had a very enjoyable Christmas Holiday this year! I must say that The Westover Fam had a great one! Christmas Eve was a wonderful feast as usual. We went over to my parents house and had our traditional Seafood feast. We had King Crab, Coconut shrimp (my favorite part yummy!) and steak. My parents did a wonderful job putting it together as usual! We had a few added guests this year that made it extra fun. We had my adopted (kind of) sister Jen and her husband Doug and their darling little boy Dresden over they live in Montana. My grandma and grandpa Anderson and My uncle Brett were also able to join. It was so dang fun and the food was so delicious! Before dinner the girls in the family made yummy candy plates with caramels, nut balls, oreo candies, cherry cordial bars and toffee. Jen also brought some amazing Chocolate dipped macadamia nuts from their trip to Hawaii! Everything turned out perfect! While the girls made candy, the boys played X-box at Dallans house in willard...

Brian Let me buy this picture of baby Jesus as part of My Christmas Gifts! I LOVE IT!

Christmas day was just as packed as ever! We started the day off at about midnight opening Brian and I's gifts to each other. He got new snowmobile clothes, the Super Nintendo game Paper Boy and some tools. I got a shopping spree at Maurices.. My favorite store ever.. some awesome perfume, the movie happy feet, the 4th twilight book and the cutest thing ever. It's Vinyl lettering that says BABY - Tiny hands to love and hold, a tiny life to shape and mold. It is so dang cute! So after we opened gifts Brian and our pal Goose went and played paperboy untill all hours of the night and I went to bed. At 8:30 the next morning we went to my parents house and opened gifts. One of my great memories was my little brother Brad. He's 13 years old and he LOVES giving gifts! Before he opens any of the gifts for him he hands out all of the ones he got for everyone else. He is so dang cute! He gets so dang excited to see if you like the presents he picked out! He got me pajama pants with panguins with slippers, and Brian Work socks. What a cutie! We recieved a ton of awesome gifts from our family including new games and new sleeping bags! Thanks Fam! Doug, Jen and Dresden were also there to spend the morning with us. After my parents house we went to Brians Grandma Westovers house and had breakfast. It was so nice to see her and that side of the family. Then we went to Brians Uncle Gregs house and had lunch. It seemed the gifts would never stop flowing! Everyone on the Nielsen side seems to be doing well, we had some nice chats and some good times! Then one of the greatest things followed a CHRISTMAS NAP! We totally zonked out for like 3 hours and woke up refreshed! Guess what followed our nap... MORE FOOD! Isn't that what Christmas is all about! We went out to Dallan and Heathers house and had Honey Baked ham that Brians company gave him and funeral potatoes. We were going to watch a movie as a family but we were about to get snowed in... It was a blizzard! So we made our way home. What a Christmas!

Me and Baby Dresden

Just after opening Gifts at The Robinson Home...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Brian is 27!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABE! We (at least I... I shouldn't speak for Brian) had a great weekend filled with Birthday fun. We had a friends birtrhday party on Saturday night. I made sweet pulled pork for burritos and I made a HUGE icecream cake... It was huge! It turned out pretty dang delicious though. On sunday we just relaxed after church and worked on my Mom's birthday gift with my little brothers. (We have 4 Birthdays in December) Then on monday night for Family night we went to Olive Garden to celebrate my dad's and Brians birthday with my family. Then my parents took us out on Tuesday night to Maddox for Brians Birthday with just us... It was way fun! Thanks Mom and Dad! So on Brians actual Birthday we were pretty much Birthday'd out so I just gave him his gifts (a 4th gear for his mini bike, and one of his favorite movies Jack Frost...) and we stayed home and ordered pizza and watched the Jazz game and Kung Foo Panda. It was a great night to say the least... He needed a break from his many nightly side jobs lately. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY! I LOVE YOU!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tagged... Thanks Madi!

The Rules:
*Mention the rules on your blog.
*Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
*Tag 6 fellow bloggers

1- I have a box addiction? When I was in college I had to move like twice a year which requires boxes right? Well when youre in college moving, everyone else is moving at the exact same time and there is not one available box in the whole city of Logan for a whole week! So I always ended up spending precious money on plastic totes. So now when I see a box I just want to take it home and hoard it... I see a box as so "perfect" for moving even though I've been in my house for 2 years and have no plans on moving any time soon!
2- When I clean I have to do all or nothing so if I don't have the time or energy to do all of it, I won't start... That explains why my house is a mess so often!
3- When I cook I make a disaster... I can't keep everything on one counter. I have to spread out different parts of the recipe in different areas of my kitchen.
4- I can't kill bugs. They have feelings I swear. If there is a spider in my house, I get toilet paper and pick it up... Then I put it in the toilet and hope it survives when I flush it. Same with all insects... Bees- I'll catch in a cup and let go outside... And this quirk is just the same with animals! I'm so happy that Brian isn't a hunter!
5-When I wrap my Christmas gifts I have to have them all wrapped in different family catergories... and all of the catergories all have to match my "tree theme" Like this year I have a Santa tree so... Brians family gifts are wrapped in chubby santas with green back ground. My family is white background with santas and christmas trees. Brians gifts are green with skinny santas and friends are old santas with stars... I know.. I get WAY TOO INVOLVED in my wrapping, but hey it looks cute and goes along with the christmas tree decor!
6-I'll buy anything if I get a deal! No matter how bad I don't need it... At my work I get a great discount on the stuff we sell... I probably wouldn't normally spend $100.00 on a jacket for Brian but since it's normally $200.00 I have to buy it.... It's so bad that I have to regulate my checks sometimes...

There you have it.. My 6 quirks... I tag...... Lacey, Brooke, Heather, Karen, and Jenni

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Gratitude ABC's

All I have
Cherry Cheesecake
Everyone around me
Family and friends
Ice Water-My favorite beverage
Jesus Christ
New clothes
Polly-my cute dog
Water Falls
X-rays- If not for them, my little brother wouldn't be here
Young Womens
Zihjuatinejo, Mexico

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving 2007

Last year for Thanksgiving we went to Zihuatinejo Mexico with my family. It was so much fun and the most beautiful place I've ever seen in my life. It's a little fishing town in southern Mexico. One of our favorite things to do was to go down to the town each night and watch the locals play basketball and volleyball while eating ice cream ( we love Mexican Ice Cream!) We spent eight days there snorkeling, surfing, chilling on the beach and EATING. We couldn't believe how yummy the fresh sea food was there. Even the Chinese food was ten times better in Mexico! One of my favorite memories was watching the locals release baby sea turtles into the ocean in the evenings... They were so dang tiny and cute! I hope to be able to go back one day!
Brian and I at our favorite restaurant "Elviras" they had the best Coconut Shrimp I have EVER had and pretty decient Peach Daquries (virgin of course) It was hot and we were sunburned!

Brian and my brother Dallan watching Volleyball sippin some Fanta'

A view of our hotel from down the beach... it's the one above the sail boat.

Brian in his vacation shirt at our hotel.. One downfall to our hotel was that it was on the side of a mountain so there were stairs everywhere! There were 200 stairs from our room to my parents.. It was a hot and sweaty trip to say the least!

Our favorite pizza joint in town... I CRAVE MEXICAN PIZZA!!! It's totally different than here!

Our pool at the hotel.. Overlooking the ocean

The first night we were there, we were walking back to our hotel from dinner and it was dark. When all of the sudden in the moonlight we see a figure of a crocodile running in front of my husband.... It coundn't be a croc could it? YES IT COULD... There was a crocodile reserve on our beach!!! A little freaky... They like salt water and fresh water... Who knew?

I got to hold a baby Crocodile... It was crazy!

The board walk at Meduera beach

These are some of my favorite flowers from our hotel... Flowers like this were EVERYWHERE!! These are just a drop in the bucket compared to how many different varieties there were...

Blake in a tree at our hotel... It was so beautiful

At a water park in Ixtapa... All the kids in the fam.


Brian learning how to surf on turkey day not too shabby for a beginner?

Monday, December 1, 2008


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