First off I would like to say that I had an awesome mothers day! Brian got me roses and a gift card to my favorite store... What an awesome man! He says I'm a mother which I totally agree with after carrying a child for seven months so far! Thats right, I have less than 3 months left! We had a doctors appointment yesterday :). Daxton is doing very well... When the doctor zoomed in on his face she said "wow, look at those cheeks!" What can I say, big cheeks run in the family! He weighs 2 lbs 9 oz. (I bet at least 6oz's are in his face :) My doctor said that I'll have to start coming in every 2 weeks after my next appointment. THIS FREAKS ME OUT!! That means he's almost here... I'm not ready to be a mom! Can't I just stay this pregnant until I decide I'm ready to have a child? Reality is totally hitting me hard! Every time I wake up in the night to go to the bathroom, I can't help but think that in a couple months I'll have to stay up and feed a crying baby... I know I know, I'll get used to it or get over it but I think I have a right to be freaked out.. Do I?
Ok back to Mothers Day. What a great holiday! My brothers and I decided to surprise our mom and all show up at her sacrament. SHE WAS SO SURPRISED! It was so awesome to see her smile like that! Then Brian went to our Marriage and Family class at our ward. We hate to miss it! After that we went to my parents house for Mothers Day dinner. My dad smoked some meat in his new smoker.
IT WAS AWESOME! We had some yummy dutch oven potatos, salad and rolls. We followed it all up with a yummy Strawberry Cheesecake Triffle that I made. My mom totally scored as far as gifts go! She got a bunch of stuff for her yard. I made a list of why I Love my mom so much. I hope she doesn't mind me sharing with yall.
Ten of the many reasons I love you!
1: You have taught me how to live a righteous life
2: You encourage me to expand my talents
3: You are a great example of giving and selflessness
4: You are always willing to listen to my problems and not judge me or the person I have a problem with
5: You help me with crafts, sewing, my flower beds, etc even though you end up doing more work than me… J (that’s why they turn out so cute!)
6: You are patient kind and loving to all
7: You share your yummy recipe’s with me and teach me the “quick tips”
8: You have unconditional love towards your children
9: You LOVE vacations and always invite us
10: You have taught me how to be frugal
11: You’re willing to help any one any time
12: You’re the only “girl friend” I need
13: You’re honest in your dealings
Even though I could go on and on I better stop since this IS a ten things list…. I love you more than you could ever know! Thanks for being the best mom a gal could ever ask for!Well, There you have it! My mothers day was awesome! I love having another day to celebrate!
I am so glad that you had a good mother's day!! And about being freaked out, you have GOOD REASON. It is TERRIFYING bringing home a brand new person that is totally dependent on you to know how to take care of him in every way. But let me just tell you, and I am sure you have heard it before, but the SECOND you have him in your arms for the first time, you will be in love and nothing else will matter..........
Hey, Beck, I am glad that you had a wonderful mother's day! I am so happy for you! Bryan is a great guy to you! And if your baby is anything like Dre, I think that more than half of his weight is in his head, not just 6 oz.
Agreed! Your mom is a wonderful woman! And yes you are a mom! I can't even believe it... Dex is so lucky to have you and Bri as parents. I think you totally have a right to be a little freaked out. But I also think that once you get to hold your new little baby in your arms. you will know it was well worth it. You will be a great mommy.
What a fun day! I think getting a little freaked out about being a mommy kinda comes with the territory...if you DON'T get a little freaked, you probably aren't taking it very seriously! And I'm super jealous that you had smoked meat...it's the BEST when you cook it that way!
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